Parenting with Love


The book that I reviewed about discipline for children was a book that assists parents with increasing their child’s self-esteem, self-control, and self-motivation.  This book also assists parents with ending disrespect, whining, arguing, fighting and tantrums.  The book is Bob Lancer’s “Parenting with Love…Without Anger or Stress.”  I chose this book because firstly as a mother because it resonated with me that most of the time life gives us stresses that makes us angry or puts us in a mental state where we should not be parenting and I wanted to learn how to consistently parent with love.  Secondly, I was curious as to how this book would assist the teachers who must parent throughout the day in the classroom and how do they consistently handle this from a place of love for the students in their classrooms.  Lastly, I wanted to read this book to be a resource to parents who were having challenges in parenting and give them encouraging supportive tips and advice.

I learned that control is not the goal or intention of this type of discipline.  Children are invited to cooperate and contribute to a community (the classroom) by having good relationships with their teachers or caregivers.  Teachers and parents must set desired results with goals and in addition consequences for their children/students and then have the resolve to stick to the consequences.  There is required growth from teachers/parents to maintain self-confidence and peace.  Knowing that as the caregiver that we cannot make good decisions when we are angry or stressed.  Many of the strategies that Bob Lancer outlined were simple, back-to-basics parenting strategies, but I feel that these strategies are ones that are often missed by teachers and even parents who are struggling with challenging behavior.  The book also relates to conscience discipline and allows caregivers to recognize their child’s needs individually in a calm and competent way.


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